The Baptistery

The Baptistery

The baptismal font was relocated to the West End of the Nave during the re-ordering of 2011 and the baptistery converted to a creche for use by children with their carers during church services.

The baptistery was located under the Tower at the West End of the church.

The Mosaic paving, steps and rails, together with the oak panelling date from 1896 and were the gift of Revd. J. Fielding Hoyle, Vicar from 1891-96.

The West Window is in geometric – curvilinear style. It is a memorial to Mrs. Annie Cooke, donated by her children in 1914. There are four lights and, from left to right, the first two depict the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and the Baptism of Jesus. The remaining two deal with Pentecost and the Sacrament of Baptism.

The Font is of fine sandstone and has a circular basin standing on low clustered columns. The bowl is encircled with a belt of uniformly carved eight-petalled flowers.


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