St Chad’s charitable giving

St Chad’s charitable giving
Doing Our Part

St Chad’s Charitable Giving

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Matthew 25:35-36 New International Version (NIV)

Helping those in need is a demonstration of our faith and an outworking of our discipleship. At St Chad’s we do this in a number of ways:

  1. Giving from the gifts given to us:

    Each year, St Chad’s Church gives away around 10% (circa £10,000) of the donations given to us, as our ‘tithe’ to support both local and national charities. Charities supported recently include:

    PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) for humanitarian support to asylum seeker and refugees in Leeds;

    Joanna for work with vulnerable, hard to reach, women trapped by life controlling addictions and often by street prostitution;

    Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN) for practical support and advice to asylum seekers and refugees and their children;

    Caring for Life for homes, support, and a range of therapeutic activities for adults in need;

    St. George’s Crypt for Emergency and rehabilitative support in Leeds to the homeless, the vulnerable and those suffering from addiction

    Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds for support for women and girls who have been affected by sexual violence;

    West Yorkshire Community Chaplaincy for resettlement to reduce re-offending;

    The Sylvia Wright Trust for health work in Tamil Nadu, India;

  2. St Chad’s Small Grants Fund

    In 2011, St Chad’s Church set up a special Endowment Fund with Leeds Community Foundation so that the income generated could be distributed annually as small grants. The scheme is aimed at small, locally-based voluntary and community groups and registered charities that benefit people in St. Chad’s Parish. The fund aims to meet social needs with a focus on: isolation of young or older people; activities that encourage local people to collaborate on projects and reduce isolation; local environmental issues; volunteering projects; and inter-generational activities.

    Details at:

    Groups recently benefitting from this fund include:

    • Friends of Beckett’s Park
    • Yorkshire Cricket Foundation
    • Help 4 Victims of Intimate Violence
    • St Chad’s Lunch Club
    • Pavilion
    • Purple Patch Arts
    • Leeds Chinese Community Association
    • DAMASQ
    • Annapurna Organisation
  3. Charitable fundraising events and collections

    Charitable fundraising and collections are part of our annual calendar. The most significant include those made for the Children’s Society at the Christingle service; weekly and harvest-time food collections for PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers); a ‘Good as New Toys’ gift collection for Leeds families in poverty at Christmas (working with St Mary’s Hawksworth Wood); and an incredible Christmas Shoebox appeal (working with Blythswood Care) which enables 100-200 shoeboxes to be filled with carefully chosen and wrapped gifts and sent to communities in poverty across the world for Christmas.

  4. Building community in Far Headingley through our facilities and grounds.

    We use our grounds and facilities to build community in Far Headingley through providing affordable community space. St Chad’s grounds host the St Chad’s Broomfield Cricket Club and St Chad’s Tennis Club, and the Parish Centre offers reduced hire rates to community groups such as Scouts and Brownies. Church volunteers work to ensure the Parish Centre and Green Space are well maintained and well used in order to bless our local community into the future.

How can I give?

Visit our Make a donation page.


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Thought Of The Month

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Matthew 5:9

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