St Chad’s Lunch Club
About us
The lunch club for the over-60s meets on term-time Wednesday afternoons from 12noon-1.30pm in St Chad’s Parish Centre small hall, and provides cheerful company, chat, and a two-course hot meal followed by tea and biscuits for just £5. Lunch club volunteers will also provide lifts to and from the club, by arrangement, for those who find it difficult to get there under their own steam.
Diners at St Chad’s Lunch Club
If you’d like to try out the lunch club, or know someone who would, or if you’d like to join the team of lunch club volunteers, please contact Val Dew 07808 134271
Fun, Fellowship, and Food at the MU Lunch
Fun, Fellowship, and Food at the MU Lunch Many thanks to all who came and supported our Mothers’ Union lunch it was a great occasion with lots of good food
A Right Royal Knees-Up!
A Right Royal Knees-Up! Amy Graham looks back on the fun had at the St Chad’s Coronation Party. On Monday 8th May, we hosted an incredible Coronation Party and welcomed
Heritage Open Days
Heritage Open Days this weekend! St Chad’s, Far Headingley : Heritage Open Days – Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September. Have you ever wondered what it is like inside this
Thought Of The Month
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8