Sunday Club Groups At St Chad’s, Far Headingley
We want church to be spiritual, fun and interesting for families, and to include age-appropriate teaching and activities so that all-ages are able to grow in faith and friendship.
Our 9.30am Sunday service includes age-specific children’s groups during term-time, except for the second Sunday of the month when we all worship together in church in a lively service suitable for all-ages.
Sunday clubs currently include: ABC Church (0-3 yrs) Sparklers (3-5 yrs) and Fireworks (6-11 yrs). We are developing our Sunday provision for youth, and currently run a youth group for 11-15 yr olds on term-time Friday evenings 7.30pm-9pm.
ABC Church (0-3s)
Adults, Babies and Children’s Church is a short, fun service of action songs, rhyme, candle prayers, story, and percussion, perfect for families with babies and pre-school children. It’s led by parents and runs alongside the 9.30am Sunday service, in the glass fronted creche room at the rear of church.
Families can dip in and out as suits them throughout the service. The ABC Church families do social things together outside of Sunday services so if you’re new to St Chad’s it’s a great way to get to know people. Contact: Sarah Cawthra 07736 323927.
Sparklers (3-5s)
Especially for pre-school and nursery aged children, this group meets in the parish centre at 9.30am on Sunday mornings during the school term-time, except the 2nd Sunday of each month when we all worship together in church at the all-age service. Parents are encouraged to leave their children at Sparklers and join in with the main service in church. Bible stories are heard and discussed, songs are sung, models made and cards coloured all in the context of learning about God and his family. Contact: Nicki Bagnall 07803 049381
Fireworks (6-11s)
Age-appropriate teaching and fun for primary school aged children. The group starts in the parish centre at 9.30am and later joins the service in church for communion. The Fireworks enjoy telling us about what they’ve been up to in their group, and sometimes plan and lead a full service for the main congregation with fantastic results! Contact: Alison Gallant 0113 2591014
Youth at St Chad’s
We are developing our Sunday provision for youth with our youth worker Ollie. Watch this space! In the meantime….
We run a youth group with games, snacks, and chat about faith for 11-15 yr olds on term-time Friday evenings 7.30pm-9pm. Contact: Ollie Greenfield 07964 781169.
Fun, Fellowship, and Food at the MU Lunch
Fun, Fellowship, and Food at the MU Lunch Many thanks to all who came and supported our Mothers’ Union lunch it was a great occasion with lots of good food
A Right Royal Knees-Up!
A Right Royal Knees-Up! Amy Graham looks back on the fun had at the St Chad’s Coronation Party. On Monday 8th May, we hosted an incredible Coronation Party and welcomed
Heritage Open Days
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Thought Of The Month
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8